Absolutely no sexual activity:
Please keep in mind that there are minors on this website. Anyone violating this rule will be banned from the site immediately. Such as showing your private parts.
No harassing other users:
Harassing other users in any way or form is strictly prohibited. We try to keep an amicable and congenial environment here. If you are looking for a cyber partner, try finding a chat room elsewhere on the Internet, this is not the place!
No fighting or Name Calling:
You are welcome to disagree with a member, but calling them names or flaming their character is not allowed. If you have a personal issue to discuss with a member, please take it private and discuss via Private Message.
No flooding or unnecessary repetition:
Interrupting the flow of the chat sessions with the use of large fonts, repetitive typing or other forms of flooding is strictly prohibited. This makes it hard for other chatters to continue their conversation and will not be tolerated in the chat room.
No racial, religious, political, or sexually inflammatory language:
Racism and prejudice of any kind will not be tolerated. Please treat other members with respect as much as you want to be respected.
No posting of private contact information/ Just send it on private chat:
We ask that you do not give out personal information, e-mail address, phone numbers and home addresses. If you do so, you do this at your own risk and ChatPinoyRepublic is not responsible for that/to your problem.
No advertising other websites or businesses:
Absolutely no spamming! No advertising of other websites or services will be allowed unless granted permission to do so.
No illegal activity, as per real life.
This includes any discussion of narcotics legal or illegal it is strictly prohibited. Any activities on this site that are illegal in your own country, state or community are not allowed. Please be mindful of this as such activities within this site can be provided as transcripts to authorities as required.
Any discussion pertaining to the smuggling of fish into countries, states or communities is strictly prohibited. Please be mindful of this as such activities within this site can be provided as transcripts to authorities as required.
No impersonating other members
Changing your chat name or creating another account to impersonate other members is strictly prohibited.
If you are harassed in anyway or see someone breaking the chat room rules, please PM a Moderator or Administrator if there isn't one in the chat room and inform them of the situation.
If you are found breaking the rules of chat:
If you are "kicked" from the chat room:
You should return to the chat rules and read them again if you are unsure of what you did wrong.
You may log back into the chat room to ask a moderator what you did if you are still unsure, or once you've read the rules and found your error.
If you are "silenced" in the chat room:
You should return to the chat rules and read them again if you are unsure of what you did wrong.
You may still PM a moderator while silenced to discuss what you did incorrectly and negotiate an agreement to comply with the chat room rules before you are un-silenced. Until you do so, a moderator has no obligation to remove the silence from your account.
If you are banned from the chat room:
If you have been banned, chances are good that you violated a major rule, violated multiple rules or continued to violate any given rule after you had been kicked or silenced about it before.
A moderator should explain to you either in the chat room before you are banned or via private message on the forums after you are banned exactly why you were banned, unless it is felt that you knew you were doing something wrong or doing it deliberately.
Whether you are kicked, silenced, or banned for any given violation is at the discretion of the chat room moderator. All Chat room bans are for a duration deemed appropriate by the moderators, but repeat offenders may face a permanent ban.
Users who are familiar with the chat room rules will likely receive more serious action against them for violation what they know is a rule as opposed to a new user who is unfamiliar with the rules.
All the videos and contents are to their respectful owners. No copyright infringement intended. Some videos are linked from,, ustream, vimeo etc.
ChatPinoyRepublic simply provides the information for readers who may be interested.
THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images/Article on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. We put the credit link/source. If there is an image/article appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.
email me at
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Facebook Fan Page:
Absolutely no sexual activity:
Please keep in mind that there are minors on this website. Anyone violating this rule will be banned from the site immediately. Such as showing your private parts.
No harassing other users:
Harassing other users in any way or form is strictly prohibited. We try to keep an amicable and congenial environment here. If you are looking for a cyber partner, try finding a chat room elsewhere on the Internet, this is not the place!
No fighting or Name Calling:
You are welcome to disagree with a member, but calling them names or flaming their character is not allowed. If you have a personal issue to discuss with a member, please take it private and discuss via Private Message.
No flooding or unnecessary repetition:
Interrupting the flow of the chat sessions with the use of large fonts, repetitive typing or other forms of flooding is strictly prohibited. This makes it hard for other chatters to continue their conversation and will not be tolerated in the chat room.
No racial, religious, political, or sexually inflammatory language:
Racism and prejudice of any kind will not be tolerated. Please treat other members with respect as much as you want to be respected.
No posting of private contact information/ Just send it on private chat:
We ask that you do not give out personal information, e-mail address, phone numbers and home addresses. If you do so, you do this at your own risk and ChatPinoyRepublic is not responsible for that/to your problem.
No advertising other websites or businesses:
Absolutely no spamming! No advertising of other websites or services will be allowed unless granted permission to do so.
No illegal activity, as per real life.
This includes any discussion of narcotics legal or illegal it is strictly prohibited. Any activities on this site that are illegal in your own country, state or community are not allowed. Please be mindful of this as such activities within this site can be provided as transcripts to authorities as required.
Any discussion pertaining to the smuggling of fish into countries, states or communities is strictly prohibited. Please be mindful of this as such activities within this site can be provided as transcripts to authorities as required.
No impersonating other members
Changing your chat name or creating another account to impersonate other members is strictly prohibited.
If you are harassed in anyway or see someone breaking the chat room rules, please PM a Moderator or Administrator if there isn't one in the chat room and inform them of the situation.
If you are found breaking the rules of chat:
If you are "kicked" from the chat room:
You should return to the chat rules and read them again if you are unsure of what you did wrong.
You may log back into the chat room to ask a moderator what you did if you are still unsure, or once you've read the rules and found your error.
If you are "silenced" in the chat room:
You should return to the chat rules and read them again if you are unsure of what you did wrong.
You may still PM a moderator while silenced to discuss what you did incorrectly and negotiate an agreement to comply with the chat room rules before you are un-silenced. Until you do so, a moderator has no obligation to remove the silence from your account.
If you are banned from the chat room:
If you have been banned, chances are good that you violated a major rule, violated multiple rules or continued to violate any given rule after you had been kicked or silenced about it before.
A moderator should explain to you either in the chat room before you are banned or via private message on the forums after you are banned exactly why you were banned, unless it is felt that you knew you were doing something wrong or doing it deliberately.
Whether you are kicked, silenced, or banned for any given violation is at the discretion of the chat room moderator. All Chat room bans are for a duration deemed appropriate by the moderators, but repeat offenders may face a permanent ban.
Users who are familiar with the chat room rules will likely receive more serious action against them for violation what they know is a rule as opposed to a new user who is unfamiliar with the rules.
All the videos and contents are to their respectful owners. No copyright infringement intended. Some videos are linked from,, ustream, vimeo etc.
ChatPinoyRepublic simply provides the information for readers who may be interested.
THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images/Article on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. We put the credit link/source. If there is an image/article appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.
email me at
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Facebook Fan Page:
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